more modeling photos here
Hello! I am a graduate of the BFA Graphic Design program at Rhode Island School of Design, and from Massachusetts, USA.

I have various avenues of self-expression and making that most all lead back to graphic design, photography, or fashion.

Currently I am the lead graphic designer for fishfelon™, a new jewelry brand, and a freelance designer & photographer.

When designing and creating, I feel that making physically tends to lend itself to more moments where the project can take off on its own ! And then bringing the creation into the digital world, either as a translation, documentation, or a wholly new thing itself.

I love working with analog processes in photography and screenprinting, which inspired me to build a darkroom in my closet and bathroom to make prints from film.

The most important discovery to my personal work is the receipt camera ( thermally prints photos taken on the camera on receipt paper ), an integral part of my RISD Degree Project Black & White & Red All Over ! I plan to keep pushing the possibilities of the camera for art, design, and pure enjoyment. As of late I’ve been making small books and enlarged prints from the images ! See the miscellaneous works page above, called currently.

I’m also diving into the world of filmmaking with my Elmo 240S-XL Macro Super 8 camera, filming in Lucca, Italy and Providence on Ektachrome film. This is my newest endeavor in experimentation ( physical film manipulation coming soon ) and an excuse to learn as much as I can about a new medium and how it intertwines with fashion.

An update: all films so far are on my Super 8 page with related research and my latest film has its own page: Lady Stardust / The Lipstick Effect.
And an update that this page needs to be updated.

The most important thing you should know is how much I love learning : by reading, making, doing ... it’s living !

Email me at
and click here for my résumé

︎ @stsa.chs

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copyright 2024 Anastasia Chase / STSA