i want you to see the beauty of red as i do...
even in black & white...
can you tell it’s there?
even in black & white...
can you tell it’s there?
an art book using some existing receipt photos, but mostly new taken on receipt camera, photocopied 175 percent to filter the creations, drawings, and typewritten pages, and walls of my studio space or my ‘art corner’ as I call it. originated from experimenting with sewing books made from photocopies of receipts at actual size on printer paper, of moments in time (walks around town, friendly gathering), and cover as red vellum. physical interaction a possiblity at Rubrica, a student-led exhibition at RISD Museum’s Gelman Gallery next year.
meant to be read and viewed any which way --- right is left and down is up.
meant to be read and viewed any which way --- right is left and down is up.

as a gif above
8’’ x 7.5’’ laying flat
8’’ x 7.5’’ laying flat

selected scans below in no particular order

short origin story :
an eventual addition to my art book The Book of Red Vol. 1 (to be uploaded soon), created for my degree project *Vol. 1 consists of pre-existing photos from my shoe box with striking bits of red in them, scanned and formatted in InDesign, typeset like the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer
*Vol. 2 will consist of all 200+ documentation photos of my degree project space ‘red room’ using Vol. 1 as a template
*Vol. 3 will format the images in this book in the same manner -- situating them within white space and thus treating them as their own images -- and situating them within a time frame -- archived as a successor to Vol. 2 (images taken months later) and a precursor to Vol. 4
*Vol. 4 to be determined
I will eventually hardcover bind The Book of Red with all its volumes as a coffee table book of Anastasia, for Anastasia, by Anastasia
the idea of a coffee table and / or museum book as a final object, professional and real --
simplifying and condensing work that exists in many mediums into a system of hundreds of pages that can be protected within a spine and cover
***a note --- this book & webpage were made prior to me creating the new book of red: volume 3, I decided to not use these bigger book scans to make a book of red volume !

‘baby’ books / original trials of full receipt rolls full page dedicated to this fun pasttime coming soon !