As described on my currently page, this project is a result of sewing a quick Halloween costume, that ended up producing a video, stills from video as their own formal images, and developed images taken on a film camera, which was the original intended first step ( post - sewing ). I took the photos on orthochromatic film which is safe under red light and darkens any red in the images, so my lipstick would look almost black! Essentially, a post-graduation accidental project for fun.

first photo of costume : made and worn same evening for last Halloween party 2022
second photo : costume party in december of that year

unedited stills above from video taken on DSLR camera except for video crop to 4:3 aspect ratio, like original music video by David Bowie below
final work to be uploaded soon --- editing in process

test roll of ilford 120 orthochromatic film taken on lubitel medium format camera
processed & test prints with different contrasts & exposures on RC paper at home
( scanned negatives, not contact sheet from enlarger )

blue bowie pinterest board - the starting point for collecting images of bowie’s makeup & outfit before and after his music video shoot

* more images documenting process of sewing & wearing pierrot outfit to come, along with brian duffy’s original photoshoot images of bowie

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